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Katılma tarihi: 13 May 2022


The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual Downloads Torrent 1




 . . . information on the 'basics' of ham radio. The AA has this one for the new ham radio license to go along with their VHF beginner book. The ARRL Ham License Manual is available as a PDF download. The main parts of the book are covered on pages 1-2, and are as follows: Introduction: explaining why you should get a license, how to get it, and so on. The Business of Being a Wireless Operator: This covers subjects such as what equipment you need, how to get it, how to set it up, and a bunch of other fun stuff. Radio Exams and Tests: From the Amateur Radio Exam Review Board to how to study for your license exam. . . . Parts 1-6 of the license exam. This section covers the FCC Part 97, Instrument Operators test, and the 80 MHz, 147 MHz, and 220 MHz service tests. Part 7: "License Requirements". A short list of the things you need to do to get a license. . . . Part 8: "License-Related Notes and Stuff": Contains some notes about the license, a list of things you can do with it, and some miscellaneous things. Part 9: "Questions and Answers About the FCC Rules and Regulations" covers the FCC rules that ham radio operators need to abide by, and also contains some guidelines on how to deal with those that don't abide by them. Part 10: "How to Get In Touch with the FCC" includes a list of contact information for the FCC. Parts 11-16 contain the VHF, UHF, and 70 cm (20 MHz) Service tests. Parts 17-22 cover the CW and SSTV tests. Parts 23-25 cover the 20 m, 40 m, and 20/40 m General Mobile. Parts 26-35 are a list of everything you need to know for the license exam. Parts 36-41 are test subjects from the U.S. Public Service Commission. Parts 42-50 are a list of rules and regulations for operators. Parts 51-64 are a list of radio terminology. Parts 65-69 cover the regulations for technical staff. Parts 70-79 cover the rules for amateurs. Parts 80-94 are a list of the most common terms used in radio. Parts 95-104 are a list of




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The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual Downloads Torrent 1

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